Ready to (re)discover TANGO with Shawn?
27+ experience teaching tango-students and instructors in Lausanne (& Montreux, Geneva, etc.).
Organise your 'private', discover group-lessons, find tango-partners, or invite 'el Rubio' to come teach in your town!

Contact Agenda

Classes are happening NOW! Join us. Contact us if you have questions about tango partners for the class.
Rue du Valentin 4a... Tuesdays 19h00 et 20h00
Wednesdays 19h00 et 20h00. infos +41.78.6972737.

Tango-Classes/Groups - Lausanne

Argentine Tango/Vals/Milonga at Espace Ripponne - with Shawn ('el Rubio')

Beginner Tango Class in Lausanne


Start learning tango the right way, from the beginning, in our Tuesday class. More than vocabulary and technique, discover the secrets and strategies to learning faster and deeper. 'Leaders' and 'Followers' actively learn tango together, as in typical classes in Argentina. Exercises are inspired from the best teachers of Buenos-Aires and powerful learning-concepts evolved from 25+ years of tango-teaching involving Dalcroze/musicality, Laban/movement, Aikido/two-person-energies and more.

Beginner Tango Class in Lausanne

Intermediates 1&2

Intermediate-level tango-dancers will love working with us during the TWO weekly classes for dancers comfortable with their basics. The Tuesday (Intermeidate1) class is easier (privileging musicality) than the Wednesday (Intermediate2) class which some may find more challenging (musicality, deeper-technique and vocabulary). The more passionate tango-students do a double-class ("back-to-back") on the same day using the first lesson as a warmup to the second. Are you a 'returning' tango-student (from an extended pause?); This is the place to be.

Experimental Tango Class for more advanced dancers in Lausanne


Intermediate2 and Advanced-level dancers who wish to understand & explore variations in technique & musicality,.. breaking out of their comfort-zone... will want to join us in our "Experimental" class (Wednesdays). The actual level is adapted to the participants, and the work is often an extension of the previous Intermediates2 class. Is this you? Then join us for the Wednesday class. If you don't (yet) know the non-basics of colgadas, volcadas, musical-syncopations etc., you can "catch up" through private or semi-private coaching by rendezvous in advance!

Your PRIVATE tango - all levels

Reserve your private tango-lesson (for 1-2 persons) in Lausanne... or elsewhere.

Create great habits from the start, and organise *your* busy schedule; Privates are the ideal way to work on fundamentals tailored to your needs. "Catch-up" on a missed group-lessons, train while searching for your ideal tango-partner, or just look at specific personal tango-issues that solve while working one-on-one. Best of all?.. Pshht.. no-one needs to know; Privates are private.

Private Tango Class for Women in Lausanne

Privates for HER

Work more efficiently, on your specific questions, without anyone to slow you down (partners or other couples). Work at your own pace on posture, vocabulary, technique, musicality, connection etc. What?! You are also interested in learning how to 'lead', so that you become a better 'follower'? What do YOU want to work on?

Private Tango Class for MEN in Lausanne

Privates for HIM

Traditionally, Male-only Tango dancers practiced together for years prior to their debut at the milonga... and for a reason: There is a ton of stuff that men can work on individually. Develop new technique and vocabulary, or increase your skill on what you've learned in the group-lessons .

Private Tango Class for MEN in Lausanne

Privates for your COUPLE

Tango-Couples can want the entire-studio and 100% attention of the 'prof'. Private-classes for couples is the best solution to working on your unique needs to fine-tune the abrazzo, work on "connection" exercises with both leader and follower actively working each on their unique role.

Who is SHAWN? - 'El Rubio'

The Past and Present

A "different" style of teaching :

The best way to discover Shawn's teaching-style is to go watch a class (yes this is possible!); Ideally, join us with popcorn and/or maté. However, if you enjoy reading some arguments before showin up to watch,.. here is some background.

Pre-history of tango in Lausanne...

English coming soon... Shawn enseigne et explore le Tango avec ses élèves depuis la préhistoire du Tango argentin lausannois et les premières écoles régionales. Ses ‘alumnos’ sont devenus des enseignants à Lausanne, des professionnels en Argentine, et des élèves de longue-date encore aujourd’hui. En reconnaissance de sa danse (et à partir du moment où il commence à danser et travailler avec sa partenaire de Tango et-DJ-renommée Cathy a partir du 1997), il a été parrainé par le celebre J. Firpo pour faire part d’AMBCTA (Asociación de Maestros, Bailarines y Coreógrafos de Tango Argentino) à Buenos Aires. Il a été “expert examinateur” en Tango argentin pour Swissdance et formateur de leurs professeurs. Il a approfondi ses capacités d’enseignant en travaillant avec le corps du ballet de l’Opéra de Paris (en Argentine), en entraînant des patineurs professionnels (Xotica) et des acteurs au théâtre et sur scène. Sa formation musicale a été assurée par des séminaires de musicalité en Argentine et en Europe, ainsi qu’en jouant des années comme premier violon dans des orchestres au Canada et à Genève (GAOS). La reconnaissance de ses capacités de danseur et l’authenticité de son approche s’incarnent par l’accueil offert par le public argentin à Buenos Aires. Shawn a été invité à se produire, avec Cathy, devant lui, dans de célèbres clubs tels que Sunderland Tango Club, Caribbean et La Nacional, prestations pour lesquelles ils ont reçu les félicitations de vive voix, de José Vázquez (Lampazo).

What's happening now

Shawn travaille le Tango avec ses élèves en cours collectifs, cours particuliers, séminaires, master classes, performances et spectacles. Il continue a etre inspiré par ses propres recherches, ses partages avec Cathy, et ses rencontres avec d’autres professeurs. Il cherche à développer chez ses élèves une véritable liberté d’improvisation et de dialogue qui leur sert dans les bals et les stages ici et ailleurs. Il est patient, drôle, fou, enthousiaste et dévoué au succès de ses élèves. Son programme débutant et ses cours d’interprétation-musicale assurent l’épanouissement sur la piste, catalysent la créativité, et inspirent des danseuses et danseurs qui abordent le Tango avec lui.

'el Rubio' on the Internet

Look in all the usual places,.. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter as well as the less-visited social-networks like Pandora, GoodReads, Vimeo, Google+. Some calendar information is on GoogleCalendar.

Become a better bailarin...

Shawn's INFOS for tango-fanaticos; Stuff I'm interested in.. so maybe you too.

The 3 SECRETs to becoming a better tango-dancer are: dance-tango & work-tango, while learning-tango. Challenge your pre-existing convictions and grow by confronting a new point-of-view outside of your confort-zone. Besides classes with Shawn, explore events, ideas, Tango-music, Tango-books, and Tango-videos. The real secret to tango-success is *you*.

Ask me anything !

Want to organise your next lesson? Get help finding a partner? I will answer faster than you can hit 'send'.
